Pets in hot weather

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When the summer heat hits, it’s not just us humans who feel the burn—our furry (and not-so-furry) friends do too. Heatwaves can be dangerous for pets, causing everything from discomfort to serious health issues like heatstroke. As responsible pet owners, it’s our job to ensure our pets stay cool, hydrated, and safe. Here’s how you can help your pets beat the heat during a heatwave.

Understanding the Risks

Symptoms of Heatstroke in Pets

First, let’s talk about why heatwaves are a big deal for pets. Unlike humans, pets can’t sweat to cool down (except for a tiny bit through their paws). Dogs, for example, primarily cool themselves by panting. This makes them especially vulnerable to high temperatures. Cats, birds, and small mammals like rabbits also struggle to regulate their body heat when it’s scorching outside. 🥵

Watch out for signs of heatstroke, which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. Symptoms include:

  • Excessive panting
  • Drooling
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Collapse

If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to act quickly.

Keeping Your Home Cool

One of the best ways to protect your pets is by keeping your home as cool as possible. Here are some tips:

Use Fans and Air Conditioning

These are your best friends during a heatwave. Place fans where your pet likes to relax or ensure the air conditioning reaches their favorite spots. ❄️

Close Curtains and Blinds

Keeping the sun out can help maintain a lower indoor temperature. This is especially important during the hottest parts of the day.

Create Cool Zones

Designate a cool, shaded area where your pet can relax. You can use cooling mats or damp towels for them to lie on. Even a cool tile floor can provide some relief.

Pet Cooling Mat

Keep your pet cool and comfortable with our 2024 Thirdream Cooling Mat. Featuring a 3mm silicone layer for enhanced cooling, it’s perfect for any setting and easy to clean.

Hydration is Key

Hydration is essential for both preventing and managing heat stress. Always ensure your pet has access to fresh, cool water. Here’s how to keep them hydrated:

Add Ice Cubes

Dropping a few ice cubes into their water bowl can help keep the water cooler for longer. 🧊

Pet Fountains

Many pets prefer running water. A pet fountain can encourage them to drink more. ⛲️

Hydrating Treats

Try making ice cube treats with a bit of their favorite snack inside. You can make Broth Popsicles: Freeze low-sodium chicken or beef broth in ice cube trays for a savory treat. 🦴

Pet Fountain

Keep your pets hydrated with our 95oz Veken Pet Fountain. BPA-free, featuring LED light, two flow designs, and a 5-stage filtration system for clean, fresh water.

Outdoor Safety Measures

If you need to take your pet outside, plan carefully to avoid the hottest parts of the day.

Time Your Walks

Early mornings and late evenings are the best times for walks. Avoid outdoor activities between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when temperatures are highest. 🦮

Choose Shaded Areas

Find grassy, shaded places for walks and playtime. This helps keep their paws and body cooler. 🌲

Check the Pavement

Pavement can get hot enough to burn your pet’s paws. Place your hand on the pavement for a few seconds—if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them. 🔥

Travel Tips

If you’re traveling with your pet, keep their comfort and safety in mind.

Never Leave Them in the Car

Cars can heat up quickly, even with the windows cracked. Never leave your pet in a parked car, not even for a minute.

Use Car Shades and Cooling Pads

These can help keep the car cooler. Take frequent breaks to offer water and allow your pet to stretch and cool down.

Special Considerations for Different Pets

Different pets have different needs when it comes to staying cool.


Avoid strenuous exercise. Some breeds are more susceptible to heat (like brachycephalic breeds). Grooming can also help—consider a summer trim for long-haired breeds.


Encourage them to stay indoors during the heat of the day. Provide cool spots for them to lounge, like tile floors or shaded areas.

Small Mammals and Birds

Ensure proper ventilation in cages and hutches. Place frozen water bottles in their living spaces to create a cool environment. Keep cages out of direct sunlight.

Emergency Measures

If you suspect your pet is suffering from heatstroke, act fast:

  1. Move to a Cooler Place: Get your pet out of the heat immediately.
  2. Cool Them Down: Use cool (not cold) water to wet their body. You can use wet towels or a gentle spray.
  3. Offer Water: Let them drink small amounts of cool water.
  4. Get to the Vet: Heatstroke is a medical emergency. Contact your vet immediately.


Protecting your pets during a heatwave is all about preparation and vigilance. By keeping your home cool, ensuring they stay hydrated, and taking extra precautions during outdoor activities and travel, you can help your pets stay comfortable and safe. Remember, they rely on you to make the best decisions for their health and well-being.

Stay cool, and keep those tails wagging! 🐾

See Our Top Picks for Air Conditioners

🙋‍♀️ For more detailed reviews and tips on staying cool, be sure to explore other posts on our website. Check out our in-depth product reviews to find the best cooling solutions for your needs. Don’t forget to share your own experiences and tips in the comments below. Stay cool and beat the heat with Heatwave Hacks!

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